Synergies has wide-ranging advisory experience assisting clients to develop commercial and regulatory pricing strategies for short and long-term purposes. Our strategic pricing capability is underpinned by our expertise in applying alternative tariff structures, cost allocation methodologies, price elasticity analysis, price benchmarking and price modelling.
Case study
The certification of the South Australian (SA) Ports Access Regime has been extended by a further 10 years, consistent with the National Competition Council’s (NCC) recommendation published on 30 November 2021. This provides all parties with certainty that access to SA’s ports will continue to be governed exclusively by this regime; the declaration and access undertaking pathways under Part IIIA of the CCA are not available where a certified state based regime exists.
Synergies ...
Case study
In recent years, Synergies has been working with Ports Australia to identify potential opportunites for coastal shipping to play a greater role in the domestic freight task. This follows numerous parliamentary inquiries into challenges associated with developing a stronger coastal shipping industry in Australia. Together with Ports Australia, we completed several case studies which identified particularly commodity supply chains where coastal shipping had been successful, together with areas of opportunity. Synergies has welcomed this opportunity ...
Case study
The WA Government is reviewing the WA rail access regime as established by the Railways (Access) Act 1998 and the Railways (Access) Code 2000. The regime has been in operations for over 15 years. The review aims to improve the existing regime to meet its objective, which is focused on encouraging the efficient use of, and investment in, railway facilities by facilitating a contestable market for rail operations. The current light-handed regime has several ...
Case study
In 2018, the Australia’s competition regulator, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) arbitrated a dispute between Glencore Coal Pty Ltd and Port of Newcastle (PNO) over the charges set by PNO for Glencore’s use of the channel assets at the Port of Newcastle.
Case study
Synergies is a leading advisor in the port sector, working collaboratively with many ports both big and small, city based and regional, bulk and non-bulk, private and government owned, across Australia to refine their pricing strategy to meet their broader objectives. This pricing intelligence is a vital input to ensure that a port is well positioned to meet the challenges of future demand as well as build on the opportunities to secure long term sustainable ...
Case study
Synergies has extensive experience in examining the costs and incentive structures within various freight supply chains in Australia. We have a depth of knowledge of the economic and commercial structure of supply chains and the way that economic regulation can, and in practice does, impact these supply chains. Most recently we were engaged by Patrick Terminals to prepare an economic analysis of the container supply chain at the Port of Melbourne, to assist Patrick ...