Independent Verification Report – Transpower’s RCP3 Expenditure Proposal (2020-25)

Synergies and GHD Advisory (GHDA) have been engaged to provide an independent verification opinion on Transpower’s RCP3 Base Capex and opex forecasts relating to the 2020-25 period for Transpower and the Commerce Commission (the Commission).


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Case study

Independent verifier of Transpower’s RCP3 expenditure proposal

Synergies (in partnership with GHD Advisory) was engaged by Transpower to provide an independent verification opinion on Transpower’s third regulatory control period (RCP3) base capital expenditure and operating expenditure forecasts relating to the 2020-25 period. This included testing the assumptions underpinning Transpower’s expenditure and demand forecasts prior to the submittal of its RCP3 proposal, as well as making recommendations to enhance the substantiation of specific components of its expenditure proposal.


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