
Many of our reports are public documents. The library of reports on this site demonstrate our breadth of Synergies’ experience across various industries and issues.



Determining a WACC estimate for Port of Melbourne 2019

The purpose of this report is to provide an estimate of the return on capital for the Port of Melbourne (PoM) for its second regulatory year under the regulatory framework established by the Port Management Act (Vic) 1995 and Pricing Order. To determine an estimate of the return on capital that is consistent with the Pricing Order, the key requirement is that the Port Licence Holder (PoM) must use one or a combination of well-accepted ...



Economic assessment of exclusive licensing of towage services at Port of Gladstone

Gilbert & Tobin engaged Synergies to provide advice in relation to a challenge by its client Svitzer to the Gladstone Ports Corporation’s (GPC’s) intention to maintain exclusive licensing of harbour towage service. Synergies’ advice was an economic assessment of the underlying assumptions and arguments used to support this exclusive towage licencing arrangement, including information disclosed in King & Wood Mallesons’ (KWM’s) submissions and Price Waterhouse Coopers’ (PwC’s) supporting submission.



Determining a WACC estimate for Port of Melbourne 2018

The purpose of this report is to provide an estimate of the return on capital for the Port of Melbourne (PoM) for its second regulatory year under the regulatory framework established by the Port Management Act (Vic) 1995 and Pricing Order. To determine an estimate of the return on capital that is consistent with the Pricing Order, the key requirement is that the Port Licence Holder (PoM) must use one or a combination of well-accepted ...



Determining a WACC estimate for Port of Melbourne 2017

The purpose of this report is to provide an estimate of the return on capital for the Port of Melbourne (PoM) for its second regulatory year under the regulatory framework established by the Port Management Act (Vic) 1995 and Pricing Order. To determine an estimate of the return on capital that is consistent with the Pricing Order, the key requirement is that the Port Licence Holder (PoM) must use one or a combination of well-accepted ...



Potential for Increase in Navigation Services Charges at Port of Newcastle

Synergies Economic Consulting was engaged by Glencore to construct some indicative Maximum Allowable Revenue (MAR) scenarios for the Port of Newcastle’s channel assets. The purpose of the analysis was to provide an indication of the likely annual revenue that a regulator would allow under a standard building blocks methodology. As the value of the channel assets is a key driver of the revenue allowance, Glencore has commissioned a high level Depreciated Optimised Replacement Cost ...


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